Thursday 19 November 2015

November Session at the Wetlands

We missed October as the boys' tutor wasn't available which means the award will now finish in February. I have to confess they've not done much in the way of ongoing work for the award in between!

Both boys were in a major sulk about going today and I had to drag them to Arundel in silence this time round, the 2 month gap between sessions not helping. I've told them quitting at this late stage is not an option - I can be quite stubborn like that. We've talked about finding the positives of what they are doing and to realise that it's not exactly difficult, I just hope we arrive at future sessions in a better mood!

Today the boys learnt about the history of the WWT and the construction and make up of the Arundel Wetlands. The second part of the session was a tour of the reed bed area which was formally a large watercress farm. A large area of the reed bed has been cut right back and so it's now possible to see the natural trenches of the original watercress beds.

The last part of the session was for the group to create a video on the history of the WWT in the style of an interview. Considering how little time they had they did a great job. Sadly we'd overrun by half an hour and didn't have time to watch the bloopers; which I'm reliably informed were mostly down to Nath!

Of course by the end of it all they were chatty and full of smiles, yet both reluctant to admit they'd enjoyed it...hey ho!

Bird House for Tawny Owls
Monica showing us the watercress trenches

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