Wednesday 25 March 2015

"Open Your Eyes"

This lovely poem, written by Herbie Hallet, 14, featured in the latest issue of RSPB's Wingbeat magazine...I just thought it was worth a share.

Open Your Eyes

Open your eyes and look all around,
Pin back your ears and hear every sound.
You might just miss it if you blink;
Don't close your eyes, don't even wink.

For all around you is a wonderful thing - 
A rabbit may hop, a bird may sing,
A squirrel may scamper up a tree, 
But if you don't look, you'll never see.

Turn off the telly and get outside,
listen to pebbles roll on the tide,
Put down the controller, turn off the Wii,
Go into the wild and you will feel free.

A deer may leap a wooden gate,
A fish may be tricked and go for the bait,
A hovering kestrel stalking a mouse,
You'll miss it all if you stay in the house.

You're wasting your life just watching a screen,
There's so many things outside to be seen.
So get off your butt and show that you care,
Don't take it for granted that it'll always be there.

Note to self...must get me and the boys outside more often!

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