Saturday 23 January 2016

Final Session at the Wetlands

The boys were reluctant to go to Arundel today, it's fair to say that these days they're reluctant to do most things that they haven't suggested...teenagers huh?!

They were slightly on the back foot having missed the last session because of illness but once we arrived (late because of rock-climbing) they got stuck in.

Weather wise it was grey but dry and not as cold as it has been, so the outside work wasn't too much of a hardship!

First off, they watched a couple of Chris Packham videos on how to film and edit wildlife videos and then went outside in a group of 3 to film their own video for editing at home. They'll take their finished video to next month's celebration session when they will receive their awards.

The second part of the session was spent discussing how best to celebrate, I think a bird hide crawl and boat safari were settled on with some party food and bird bingo for good measure. It's hard to believe they started this back in October 2014, how time flies!